Design Checklist for STAAD Analysis and Design

Checklist for STAAD Analysis and Design

January 2020

Hello Friends, I am Chetan, working as lecturer and RCC Consultant.

I have prepared a Checklist for Learner and Professional to avoid unfavorable Mistake:

Check the GA Drawing

  • Check North Direction
  1. Check Scale
  2. Check units
  3. Check Grid Dimensions
  4. Check Story Height
  5. Check GAD and STAAD model                                                                                                                
  • Meshing of plates and walls (if applicable)
  • Check for duplicate and multiple elements
  • Check for Zero length
  • Check for Orphan Node
  • Check Section library or member size
  • Check beta angle (member orientation)
  • Check for release at required places
  • Check offset specification (Specially in Concrete Structure)
  • Check Truss Specification (generally in Steel Structure)
  • Check for Axial beam Specification
  • Verify Support conditions
  • Check for subgrade constant or spring value
  • View the rendered view to visualize the mode for completion of properties.
  • Check for Load definition
    1. Check for Wind Definition and parameter
    2. Check for Seismic Definition and Parameter
  • Check for basic Load
    1. Apply Self weight of Structure
    2. Apply Contingency load
    3. Apply load dead load for other structural/ nonstructural member i.e Wall load, Floor Load, Stair case, Grating Load etc..
    4. Apply Live Load
    5. Check for Seismic load (need to add as first basic load and after seismic load write “CHANGE” in command file.
  • Add Load Combinations for Strength and Serviceability.
  • Add envelop specially for Strength and Serviceability check.
  • Check for design Parameter

Please read following blog for Design parameter:

Understanding for assigning LY and LZ in STAAD Pro

Design Parameter of Steel Structure in STAAD Pro

All above check list need to check during modelling and Analysis. After Run file for Analysis and Design following thing need to take care.

  1. Look at the equilibrium results.
  2. Check Maximum deflection (Summary of Displacement)
  3. Check reaction Summery (absolute max. axial load, M and V in any member in the structures and see whether it is acceptable or not)
  4. Understand Deflection patter by View the animation for any excessive deflection of nodes.
  5. In case of seismic load, sum of mass should be more than 90 percent. Cutoff mode shape, Base shear has to be checked.
  6. Check deign result (Output- Member passes, failed to be checked. Sometimes, the design set default the interaction ratio limit to 0.90 instead 1.0 If it exceeds STAAD will show fail even if it is less than compression - 180.(Member specification)

These are some points to be checked while doing analyses structure in STAAD pro software.

Please enrolled in complete courses:

STAAD Pro training Tutorials in English

STAAD Pro training Tutorials in Hindi

Please share you thought on this blog. Please comment you doubt and queries.

Chetan Machhi 
Lecturer and RCC Consultant

305, 3rd Floor, Vashisth Vanijyam, Near V.V.Nagar Railway Station, Vallabh Vidyanagar ,Anand - 388 120
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