Basic Definitions in Structural Analysis and Design

access_time 2020-08-27T08:43:21.81Z face Nirav Patel
Basic Definitions in Structural Analysis and Design Basic Definitions Stress: The force of resistance offered by a member per unit area is called stress The external force acting on it is called load. The load is applied on the body and the stress is induced in the material of the body. Stress = For...

Seismic Load Application as per IS 1893 - 2016

access_time 2020-08-12T11:44:04.11Z face Nirav Patel
Seismic Load Application as per IS 1893 - 2016 Seismic Load Application January 2019 Seismic load is define as Horizontal/Vertical load due to ground motion cause of Earthquake. Load act at base/foundation of the structure called as base shear. Seismic load depends on following: Weight of structure ...

Ductile and Brittle Materials

access_time 1556389800000 face Nirav Patel
Ductile and Brittle Materials Ductile and Brittle Materials April 2019 Materials ability to undergo significant plastic deformation under tensile stress before rapture called ductile properties of materials. In other words if materials ductile, materials stretch under tensile load. The ductile mater...

Why Percentage of Steel Higher in Top Floor Column ?

access_time 2020-07-14T12:55:44.141Z face Nirav Patel
Why Percentage of Steel Higher in Top Floor Column? Percentage of Steel Higher in Top Floor Column March 2020 Question Most of the time, for multistory building ETABS/STAAD Pro gives a percentage (%) of steel in terrace/top floor Column/Shear wall higher than that of the lower one. Is it correct or ...

Structure analysis Step by step process

access_time 2020-04-21T12:10:06.5Z face Nirav Patel
Structure Analysis Step by Step Process Step by step Structure analysis and Design guideline April 2020 Steps in Structural Design Hello friends, I have experienced design of RCC Structure and STEEL Structure. Design step/stage is different in RCC and Steel Structure. In this blog I will share you s...
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