How to Add Node in STAAD pro and Basic of Node

access_time 2020-08-31T10:46:02.474Z face Nirav Patel
How to Add Node in STAAD pro and Basic of Node Add Node in STAAD pro and Basic of Node What is Node in FEM Node is simply defined as a point. A point where boundary condition applied, Stiffness of structure are changed, materials discontinuities, Geometrical discontinuities etc.. How to add node in ...

Design Parameter of Steel Structure in STAAD Pro

access_time 2020-08-27T11:32:00.167Z face Nirav Patel
Design Parameter of Steel Structure in STAAD Pro Design Parameter of Steel Structure Staad pro software used for design of concrete, steel, timber and aluminum structure. In this blog I will share the parameter and things which should be care while designing of steel structure. For correct and accur...

Fundamental Concept of Buckling

access_time 1596530940000 face Nirav Patel
Fundamental Concept of Buckling Fundamental Concept of Buckling August 2020 Buckling is defined as a mode of failure under compression of a structural component that is thin with respect to its length (slenderness). Let's understand How? • Take a (Playing/Visiting) Card and hold it vertically. Apply...

Understanding for Assigning LY and LZ in STAAD Pro

access_time 1570559400000 face Nirav Patel
Understanding for Assigning LY and LZ in STAAD Pro Understanding for Assigning LY and LZ October 2020 Hello friends, In this blog, I’d like to share my insights on key STAAD parameters: LY, LZ, UNB, and UNT. It took me a while to fully grasp these concepts, so I’ll aim to explain them as clearly and...

Design Checklist for STAAD Analysis and Design

access_time 1577874480000 face Chetan Machhi
Design Checklist for STAAD Analysis and Design Checklist for STAAD Analysis and Design January 2020 Hello Friends, I am Chetan, working as lecturer and RCC Consultant. I have prepared a Checklist for Learner and Professional to avoid unfavorable Mistake: Check the GA Drawing Check North Direction Ch...
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